#> Registered S3 method overwritten by 'tsibble':
#> method from
#> as_tibble.grouped_df dplyr
#> Attaching package: 'tsibble'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, union
#> Loading required package: Rcpp
#> Loading required package: fabletools
The fable.prophet
package provides an interface allowing
the prophet forecasting
procedure to be used within the fable framework. This allows you
to use prophet to forecast multiple time series within the same workflow
as other forecasting models. The interface provides a compact and
flexible model specification, allowing you to create prophet models
using a model formula.
The tidy temporal data structure tsibble is used to
represent time series data. A tsibble
is extends the
used in the prophet package
with the concepts of index
and key
The index
refers to the column of data containing the
observations measurement time (the ds
column in prophet).
The key
variables are used to uniquely identify each time
series in the dataset, allowing separate prophet models to be applied on
each time series.
For this analysis let’s compare the number of domestic and international passengers passing through Los Angeles International Airport. The data is published by and available on The data is re-hosted in this package’s GitHub repository for reproducibility.
# Read in the data
lax_passengers <- read.csv("")
# Tidy and summarise the data for comparison of international and domestic passenger counts
lax_passengers <- lax_passengers %>%
mutate(datetime = mdy_hms(ReportPeriod)) %>%
group_by(month = yearmonth(datetime), type = Domestic_International) %>%
summarise(passengers = sum(Passenger_Count)) %>%
#> # A tibble: 318 × 3
#> month type passengers
#> <mth> <chr> <int>
#> 1 2006 Jan Domestic 3315937
#> 2 2006 Jan International 1440222
#> 3 2006 Feb Domestic 3045963
#> 4 2006 Feb International 1204192
#> 5 2006 Mar Domestic 3711057
#> 6 2006 Mar International 1379237
#> 7 2006 Apr Domestic 3683040
#> 8 2006 Apr International 1404834
#> 9 2006 May Domestic 3743141
#> 10 2006 May International 1434267
#> # ℹ 308 more rows
The data.frame
created contains two time series, one for
domestic and another for international passenger counts. A
can be converted to a tsibble
and specifying the index
variable(s). In this case the time variable (the
) is date
, and the type
variable is the key as it uniquely identifies each time series.
# Convert to a tsibble
lax_passengers <- as_tsibble(lax_passengers, index = month, key = type)
#> # A tsibble: 318 x 3 [1M]
#> # Key: type [2]
#> month type passengers
#> <mth> <chr> <int>
#> 1 2006 Jan Domestic 3315937
#> 2 2006 Feb Domestic 3045963
#> 3 2006 Mar Domestic 3711057
#> 4 2006 Apr Domestic 3683040
#> 5 2006 May Domestic 3743141
#> 6 2006 Jun Domestic 3994798
#> 7 2006 Jul Domestic 4236581
#> 8 2006 Aug Domestic 4128492
#> 9 2006 Sep Domestic 3386421
#> 10 2006 Oct Domestic 3598030
#> # ℹ 308 more rows
When using fable.prophet
, it is not necessary to have
the time column named ds
and the response column called
Before modelling, we should first have a look at the data. There are
many ways in which time series data can be visualised, and as a
is in a tabular format you can easily create
informative graphics with ggplot2. The
easiest way to have a quickly see your data is with a time series plot
via autoplot()
Each series appears to have a piecewise linear trend and multiplicative seasonality, which we should consider when creating our prophet model. The feasts and sugrrants packages provide additional plotting tools for time series data.
A prophet model is specified using the prophet()
function. If you’ve loaded both prophet
packages, you should refer to this function
explicitly with fable.prophet::prophet()
. This function
uses a formula based model specification (y ~ x
), where the
left of the formula specifies the response variable, and the right
specifies the model’s predictive terms.
A prophet model supports piecewise linear or exponential growth
(trend), additive or multiplicative seasonality, holiday effects and
exogenous regressors. More details about how to specify these terms can
be found in the help file, ?prophet
To specify a linear growth and a annual multiplicative seasonal pattern for the passengers data above, you would use:
prophet(passengers ~ growth("linear") + season("year", type = "multiplicative"))
#> <prophet model definition>
You can also use prophet’s automatic model specification by not
specifying the right hand side,
i.e. prophet(passengers)
The model()
function is used to estimate a specified
model using the data.
fit <- lax_passengers %>%
mdl = prophet(passengers ~ growth("linear") + season("year", type = "multiplicative")),
#> # A mable: 2 x 2
#> # Key: type [2]
#> type mdl
#> <chr> <model>
#> 1 Domestic <prophet>
#> 2 International <prophet>
You can see that two prophet models have been estimated, one for each of the time series in the dataset.
The components of an estimated prophet model can be extracted using
the components()
function. This allows you to visualise the
terms of the model.
#> # A dable: 318 x 9 [1M]
#> # Key: type, .model [2]
#> # : passengers = trend * (1 + multiplicative_terms) + additive_terms +
#> # .resid
#> type .model month passengers additive_terms multiplicative_terms trend
#> <chr> <chr> <mth> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Domest… mdl 2006 Jan 3315937 0 -0.0964 3.71e6
#> 2 Domest… mdl 2006 Feb 3045963 0 -0.177 3.71e6
#> 3 Domest… mdl 2006 Mar 3711057 0 -0.0000939 3.71e6
#> 4 Domest… mdl 2006 Apr 3683040 0 -0.0180 3.71e6
#> 5 Domest… mdl 2006 May 3743141 0 0.0315 3.72e6
#> 6 Domest… mdl 2006 Jun 3994798 0 0.0939 3.72e6
#> 7 Domest… mdl 2006 Jul 4236581 0 0.150 3.72e6
#> 8 Domest… mdl 2006 Aug 4128492 0 0.117 3.73e6
#> 9 Domest… mdl 2006 Sep 3386421 0 -0.0688 3.73e6
#> 10 Domest… mdl 2006 Oct 3598030 0 -0.00861 3.73e6
#> # ℹ 308 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: year <dbl>, .resid <dbl>
The resulting decomposition table (a dable
) can be
visualised using autoplot()
The models for each series appear to have similar characteristics, with the domestic passenger counts being more seasonal than international counts.
As a dable
is in a tabular structure, it is also
possible to use ggplot2 or other
plotting libraries to make more sophisticated graphics. Here I produce a
plot of seasonality that is wrapped over each year, yielding a very
similar result to prophet::prophet_plot_components()
components(fit) %>%
# Plot the month of the time index (month) on the x-axis
x = month(month, label = TRUE),
# Plot the annual seasonal term (year) on the y-axis
y = year,
# Colour by the passenger type
colour = type,
# Draw separate lines for each type and year
group = interaction(type, year(month))
)) +
Peak monthly passenger counts seem to occur in July, and the minimum is in February (although be wary of differences in the number of days in each month!). You can see that the model’s seasonal term changes slightly from year to year, especially for domestic passengers in March and November.
Forecasts from an estimated model can be produced using the
function. If the model has not used exogenous
regressors, the number of forecasts (forecast horizon) can be easily
specified using the h
argument. If exogenous regressors
have been used, these will need to be included in a tsibble passed to
the new_data
To forecast three years into the future, we can set
h = "3 years"
fc <- fit %>%
forecast(h = "3 years")
#> # A fable: 72 x 5 [1M]
#> # Key: type, .model [2]
#> type .model month passengers .mean
#> <chr> <chr> <mth> <dist> <dbl>
#> 1 Domestic mdl 2019 Apr sample[5000] 5234292.
#> 2 Domestic mdl 2019 May sample[5000] 5513370.
#> 3 Domestic mdl 2019 Jun sample[5000] 5822916.
#> 4 Domestic mdl 2019 Jul sample[5000] 6170236.
#> 5 Domestic mdl 2019 Aug sample[5000] 6012425.
#> 6 Domestic mdl 2019 Sep sample[5000] 5016803.
#> 7 Domestic mdl 2019 Oct sample[5000] 5360159.
#> 8 Domestic mdl 2019 Nov sample[5000] 5164391.
#> 9 Domestic mdl 2019 Dec sample[5000] 5336804.
#> 10 Domestic mdl 2020 Jan sample[5000] 4889364.
#> # ℹ 62 more rows
The point forecasts are provided in the passengers
column, and a set of simulated future paths are stored in the
column. To visualise these forecasts, we can
again use the autoplot()
Much like any model in the fable framework, model and forecast
accuracy can be evaluated using the accuracy()
#> # A tibble: 2 × 11
#> type .model .type ME RMSE MAE MPE MAPE MASE RMSSE ACF1
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Domestic mdl Trai… 412. 79237. 63457. -0.0547 1.60 0.350 0.372 0.465
#> 2 International mdl Trai… 191. 46339. 34835. -0.0681 2.26 0.357 0.389 0.729
When comparing accuracy between series on different scales, it is important to use a scale independent accuracy measure. A summary of accuracy measures can be found in the Forecasting: Principles and Practice - Evaluating forecast accuracy. An appropriate accuracy measure for comparing these models is the mean absolute scaled error (MASE). We can interpret the model for domestic passenger counts as being slightly more accurate on the training data as it has a slightly lower MASE.
Comparing in-sample (training) accuracy may misrepresent the accuracy of a model, as it is based on predicting one-step ahead using all available data. In many senses this is unrealistic, and there are other approaches such as out-of-sample (test) accuracy and cross-validation which can be used. The freely available online textbook also details how to compute these more realistic accuracy measures.